This is the step-by-step to using Picasa from Google:
You must download first picasa in here
1. You will see a “Picasa” icon on your desktop. Double-click on Picasa to open it.
2. Picasa will ask which pictures you want to include. In most cases, you will choose the 1st option, which will scan your entire hard drive. A note for PHASD staff members: Picasa will not scan your network “H” drive, so use the next step for a way to include those pictures.
3. If you already have pictures on a disk or on your computer, it’s easy to import these pictures into Picasa. Click on the Import button.
4. Click “Folder”
5. Locate a folder that has pictures (such as your floppy disk or your “H” drive).
6. Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking to highlight multiple pictures or press the
Ctrl + A keys to highlight all pictures in the folder.
7. Click the “Open” button, and pictures will be transferred to Picasa.
8. You have the option to Exclude any pictures you want before putting them into
an album. Just click the Exclude button.
9. Click the “Finish Importing” button at the bottom.
10. Give the album a title and then click the “Finish” button.
11. Close Picasa. Then, double-click the Picasa desktop shortcut to re-open Picasa and
you will see your new photo album.
12. Click the “Edit Picture” button at the top to open any photo album for editing. Each photo can be edited individually very quickly by clicking either the “Enhance,” “Crop” or “Red Eye” buttons.
13. Click the “Albums” button at the top to return to your photo albums.
14. At the bottom of each window are other “cool” options, such as “Email” (to send pictures by Email), “Order Prints” (to order special pictures), “Print” and “Say Hello.”
15. You should register Picasa in order to use the extra features in step #14 above. Registration is easy (see last step below).
16. Click the Timeline button at the top for a neat list of your photo albums organized chronologically by month. Then, click the Slideshow button to quickly view a slideshow of any highlighted album (or use step #17 below instead).
17. Click the Slideshow button at the top of any window to view a slideshow or your current photo album.
18. To register Picasa, go to HelpàRegister Picasa and then enter your Email address and click Register Now! You will need to fill out a form and register your Email address to their list. Registration is free, so take advantage!
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