Allah Ta'ala said,
Until when they have fun with what has been given to them, we torment them suddenly. (Al-An'am: 44)
That is, the punishment we will be on them in a way that they do not realize. Hasan said, Whoever is given the ease (rizki) by God while he does not think that God is with mengancamnya the person does not have a mind. And dipersempit (rizkinya) but it does not consider that God memperhatikannya then that person does not have the intellect. Then he read the word of God,
Until when they have fun with what has been given to them, we torment them suddenly. So when they fall silent despair (Al-An'am: 44)
Hasan said, the trick to that is, for the sake of God His Ka'bah, all they need dicukupi tortured.
`Uqbah Amir bin Radhiyallahu Anhu narrate that Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said," If you see God gives all a servant of interest when he was in kemaksiatan stay. This is a form of isdjraj for him. Then he read the paragraph, and then, when they forget the warning that has been given to them, we shall betray all the doors for their enjoyment, so if they go with what has been given to them, we torment them with a sudden, then when they are silent despair (Al-An'am: 44).
Al-Iblas means dropping out hope for survivors at the disaster stricken. Ibn Abbas said, they despair of any good.
While Zajjaj said, Al-Mublis are very sorry to say, and there and sad.
In atsar mentioned that when the devil have any trick at that time still a part of the angel Gabriel and flee Mikail crying and asking God, 'What makes you both cry? They both said, Rabb Yes, we do not feel safe from the Mu-trick. Then God said, And so should you, you do not feel safe trick from me.
Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam themselves often say, "O Dzat the heart flip-turn, in our hearts kokohkan religious thy! There are asked, O Messenger of Allah, whether you about us? He said, 'Surely, the heart is in the fingers of two fingers Arrahman, turning him turn his own. (Diriwayatkan Tirmidzi hadith of Anas bin Malik)
In shahih hadith, Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, "Surely someone practice charity experts to the distance between heaven itself with live sehasta heaven. But he has didahului book (his conditions) and he regularly practices expert hell and he also entered. (Diriwayatkan Bukhari hadith of Abu Hurairah).
In Shahih Bukhari from Sahl bin Sa'ad As-Sa'idi Radhiyallahu Anhu that the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, "Surely someone regularly practice fire experts, including experts and he heaven. There are also people who regularly practice in the Garden of experts, including experts he hell. Indeed, all depending on the charity''
In the holy book of Allah, told his story Bal'am, ie, after the dicabutnya faith and science makrifat. Similarly, the story Barsesa, a pastor who died as disbelievers.
Dikisahkan that in Egypt there is someone who is active in the mosque for prayers and adzan. On the self-worship and there is a charisma light obedience. One day he ascended to the top of the tower to adzan as usual. Under the tower, there is a house belonging to the Nashrani dzimmi (the Islamic countries are protected). People to see the house and a girl child visible Nashrani people, the girls are very beautiful. People are obsessed by it and not so adzan, find it down, the girl said,
It's what and what you want?
You who I want answered.
I do not want menurutimu that is not true.
I will menikahimu.
You are a Muslim my father I would not wed with you.
I entered the Christian, he said.
If you do that, I would like.
Then he signed in order to marry Christian girls and live in the house with the family Nashrani. On the same day he ascended to the roof of the house and then fell and died. He was not happy with the religion and can not enjoy the girls. We seek refuge in Allah from him and the trick of su'ul-khatimah.
Salim Abdullah of narrate that Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam often swear by the words, "No, by the turn of Dzat turning hatil (Diriwayatkan Bukhari).
That is, God once quickly to reverse heart even faster than the wind gust in the reverse nature of the other. For example, accept and reject, hate and desire, as well as other attributes.
In the Al-Quran Allah said,
And know that God became a barrier between the
heart. (Al-Anfal: 24).
Mujahid said, That is, God be with someone between the hijab to understand he does not know what the consist-finger by finger. Surely, in that there is a warning for people who have heart. (Qaaf: 37).
That is, people who have understanding.
Thabari argued that the clause is the news from Allah Ta'ala that He is right to the heart of the servants of their own. That God also can be a hijab between them and the heart to someone does not know anything except with the will of Allah Azza wa Jalla.
She Radhiyallahu'anha said, he Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam often say, "O Dzat the heart flip-turn, teguhkanlah heart to obey You. 'I said,' O Messenger of Allah, pray thee once so often, if you worry?" He said, What membuatku O She felt safe, while the servants of the heart is between two fingers between the finger finger Arrahman He turn-balikkannya his own. If he wanted to reverse the heart of a servant He was able to do it '
If this is the Hidayah is something that clearly istiqamah then it depends on the will and his final fate is a mystery, while he will not invincible. So do not you feel proud of the faith, charity, prayer, fasting, charity and all the deeds that you if you do that, indeed it is God's creation and your gift of His be his to you. While you are with all the glory, the glory you have in fact something that is not your own. He can only merenggutnya of you, the heart of your return empty stomach cavity as good ass.
How many of the flower garden, lush flowers bermekaran, but this morning the flowers are dry and berguguran because diterpa hurricanes. Similarly, a slave, his heart was filled yesterday obedience to God, shining and prosperous. But on this morning it became dark and sick. That is the destiny of the Almighty and the Court.
O son of Adam, pen-pen recorder running, but you realize there is no negligent. O my son Adam, all leave and warble harp, to leave their houses and huts beautiful. Leave perpacuan in this country until you see what the fate of yourself!
Taken from Al-Kabair
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