How to add the Google Translate Mini-Flags Widget



1. Go to your Dashboard > Layout > Add a Page Element > HTML/JavaScript
2. Paste the code
3. Add a title. Ex: Translate, Translate this page, Google Translate (Optional)
4. Save (or Save Changes).


1. Login to your Admin panel > Presentation tab > Widgets tab
2. Paste the code into the Text Widget. If there’s no Text Widget available, add one.
3. Add a title. Ex: Translate, Translate this page, Google Translate (Optional)
4. Save.

Joomla site

1. Login to your Admin panel > Modules - Site Modules > click New
2. Paste the code into the Custom Output content box
3. Adjust module details and menu item links if necessary
4. Click Apply or Save.

Google Translate is still on its beta phase. Much like with other web page translation services, your readers might find parts of the translation very funny. Google has yet to meet their standards on this.

This widget is distributed freely. Feel free to use it, change it to meet your needs. Just drop me a comment below to let me know it helped out, or if you have questions or problems adding it your blog or site

You can get the code in here
READ MORE - How to add the Google Translate Mini-Flags Widget

The ignorance including the characteristics of occupants of hell

"One of the things that show the importance of science syar'i is that ignorance is the nature of the Fire. Conversely, someone who is given the ease syar'i to understand the science and mengamalkannya show that God willed the good word on it as he shalallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam
من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين

Whoever desired by virtue of Allah, Allah will make them proficient in religion (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
Flubdub including nature of the Fire"

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala explains, that the nature of the Fire is foolish, and that he close the gates of knowledge to them. Allah Ta'ala said describes the Fire,

فاعترفوا بذنبهم فسحقا لأصحاب السعير * وقالوا لو كنا نسمع أو نعقل ما كنا في أصحاب السعير

And they say: If we hear or think (the warning) we shall not include the Fire of the fiery. They confess their sins. So kebinasaanlah for the Fire of the fiery (Al-Mulk: 10-11)

They recognize that when they were in the world they did not want to hear and not to think. Hearing and thinking is the basis of both the science and knowledge available. Allah Ta'ala said,

ولقد ذرأنا لجهنم كثيرا من الجن والإنس لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها ولهم أعين لا يبصرون بها ولهم آذان لا يسمعون بها أولئك كالأنعام بل هم أضل أولئك هم الغافلون

We made to (fill in the Fire Jahannam) most of the jinn and men, they have hearts, but not dipergunakannya to understand (the verses of Allah) and they have eyes (but) not dipergunakannya to see (signs of Allah), and they have ears (but) not dipergunakannya to hear (the verses of Allah). They are as cattle, they are even more astray again. They are the people who neglect. (Al-A'raaf: 179).

On this verse, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala explain that they do not have knowledge of one of three sources of knowledge, the intellect, hearing, and vision, as difirmankan Allah ta'ala paragraph on the other,

صم بكم عمي فهم لا يرجعون

Deaf, dumb and blind, then they will not return (to the right). (Al-Baqarah: 18).

أفلم يسيروا في الأرض فتكون لهم قلوب يعقلون بها أو آذان يسمعون بها فإنها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور

But if they do not run in the face of the earth, and they have hearts with which they can understand or have the ear with that they can hear? Lo is not the eyes that are blind, but blind, is in the heart of the chest. (Al-Hajj: 46).

ولقد مكناهم فيما إن مكناكم فيه وجعلنا لهم سمعا وأبصارا وأفئدة فما أغنى عنهم سمعهم ولا أبصارهم ولا أفئدتهم من شيء إذ كانوا يجحدون بآيات الله وحاق بهم ما كانوا به يستهزؤون

We confirm their position in the things that we have not been up kedudukanmu in that case and we have to give their hearing, vision and heart, but hearing, and their hearts were not useful iota for them, because they always the verses of Allah, and they have been covered by the punishment that they always used to make olokkannya (Al-Ahqaf: 26).

As you see in the above verse, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala portray the people who did not have any ill-fated science. In addition, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sometimes equate them with the cattle, sometimes with the donkey that carry weight, sometimes making them more misguided than cattle sometimes made them as being the worst in his hand, sometimes make them as people the dead are not alive, tekadang explain that they are in darkness, ignorance and error, sometimes explaining that in their hearts there is a partition, there is in the ear they cover, and in their eyes there are.

This shows ignorance jeleknya, criticism for those foolish, and the wrath of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for them. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves those berilmu, praise them, and laud them as has been described on the previous page, requesting the help of God.

Knowing Religion including signs of good

Shahih mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim hadith Shahih of Muawiyah radhiallahu'anhu that said, I heard the Messenger of Allah shalallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam said

من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين

Whoever desired by virtue of Allah, Allah will make them understand the religion (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

This shows that whoever dikondisikan not understand the religion of Allah Ta'ala, the goodness of God does not want him, he desired by both God and make him understand the religion, and whoever has dikondisikan understand the religion of Allah, the God willed the good, if the here is the knowledge that the charity acts .. But, if the science is the only, it does not indicate that people have to understand that religion is a Balk desired by God, because it requires understanding the emergence of a desire to do good, Allah knows best.

Taken from Fruit Science, Ibnul Qoyyim Al-Jauziyyah
READ MORE - The ignorance including the characteristics of occupants of hell

Tips Stifle Angry

"Angry and emotional is human nature. We should not angry, but ordered to control the order not to cause negative effects. In the history of Abu Said al-Khudri Prophet said The best people are not angry easily and quickly accept what is, while a poor person who is quick-tempered and slow to receive what the (HR Ahmad)"

In the history of Abu Hurairah said that the strong are not strong in the scrimmage, but those who can control himself when angry (HR Malik).
Holding anger is not easy work, it is very difficult to do so. When I have the trouble of fishing our emotions, our blood, perhaps directly to the increased crown, the hands are trembling like hitting, swearing cuss already live at the end of the tongue are shed, but at that time if we are able menahannya, so be grateful, because we include the strong.

Ways to control anger or muted:

1. Reading Ta'awwudz. He said if the sentence pronounced There will undoubtedly anger lost someone, that is A'uudzu billah mina-syaithaani-r-rajiim I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed devil tempting (HR Bukhari Muslim).

2. Ritula Ablution. He said that it's Anger syetan, while syetan created from the fire, the fire can only be suppressed with water, so if you are angry do it (HR Abud Dawud).

3. Sit down. In a hadist If you say so angry Sit, if not then also lost sleep (HR Abu Dawud).

4. Shut up. In a hadist said Ajari (others), easy, do not compound the problem, if you then still angry (HR Ahmad).

5. Prostrate, meaning at least two prayer Sunna rakaat. In a hadist said aware, the angry that ember in the hearts of men. You did not see his eyes red and strained blood vessel in his neck? So who get it, then let it hang with the land-colored (prostration). (H. R. Tirmidzi)
READ MORE - Tips Stifle Angry

Islam is the Blood Meat

Quoted from the Imam zuhud, religious experts and Wara 'named Sufyan Ats-Tsauri's magic-magic, advice and the wisdom of the scattered in Thabaqat books, biography of the scholars dlan books other valuable. All what he nasihatkan so valuable, well in ruh the khusyu 'and luminous.

Among the most valuable advice from Sufyan Ats-Tsauri is a testament that he write to his brother some, who ask for advice and he's sermon. Of which is written:

Thou shalt not take the science of religion but to the very people who love to religion, because the parable of those who love the religion does not like the sick and the doctor is not able to treat the disease itself. How might it will treat other people and menasihatinya?

O brother, Islam is indeed blood dagingmu, tangisilah and sayangilah it yourself, if you do not love it will not disayang. Should become a friend is a person who mengajakmu berzuhud against the world and love of the hereafter. Perbanyaklah remember the dead, ask forgiveness perbanyaklah over sins past and seek salvation to God in the remnant life.

Ats-Tsaury priest has explained that in addition to learn Islam expert Wara 'and is a betrayal of godly self mampukah a doctor who can not afford to treat himself, he will be able to treat other people?

Imam precisely how this parable about religion as flesh and blood, because religion is the right man and the essence ruh, then disappeared when religion is not as if it was said as a human again. As if the man has lost his flesh and blood, can he called a human?

Those who call on Muslims to follow this teaching sekulerisme, they have to sit down waste degrees religion, deceive Muslims that they can survive without Islam and take something that conflicts with Islam.

However advice Sufyan Ats-Tsaury as a protest against the idea atheis underestimate the influence of Islam in the life of man. What is done by Muslims when seoarang was convinced that religion is the foundation that makes him and the core of his life? (bet he will say):

قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين * لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا أول المسلمين

Say: Lo shalatku, ibadahku, life and death, are for Allah, the Rabb of the Worlds. There is no partner for him, and so it is that to me, and I am the one who first meyerahkan themselves (to Allah) (Al-An'am: 162-163)

Indeed, the glory of Islam will be realized when there are those who believe that Islam is the blood and meat which even more valuable between flesh and blood and soul with ruh?

But Muslims will not be successful again, upright, with the powerful but simple for people if they take back lessons learned as a priest by saying this, strengthen ikatannya against Islam and put in place a proper time in order to build and manage the society.

Indeed very surprising that people exposed to defamation and provocation from people who demean Islam, harassing the people who cling to it. They were not more than the pembeo people atheis that never feel lezatnya faith and peace with Hidayah Islam. They are misguided people who want to spread the error to every heart.

Taken from Haakadza .. Tahaddatsas salaf Indonesian language edition of The Portrait of Life salaf Dr paper. Musthafa Abdul Wahid. Publisher: At-Tibyan
READ MORE - Islam is the Blood Meat

Feel safe from the threat of Allah

Allah Ta'ala said,
Until when they have fun with what has been given to them, we torment them suddenly. (Al-An'am: 44)

That is, the punishment we will be on them in a way that they do not realize. Hasan said, Whoever is given the ease (rizki) by God while he does not think that God is with mengancamnya the person does not have a mind. And dipersempit (rizkinya) but it does not consider that God memperhatikannya then that person does not have the intellect. Then he read the word of God,

Until when they have fun with what has been given to them, we torment them suddenly. So when they fall silent despair (Al-An'am: 44)

Hasan said, the trick to that is, for the sake of God His Ka'bah, all they need dicukupi tortured.

`Uqbah Amir bin Radhiyallahu Anhu narrate that Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said," If you see God gives all a servant of interest when he was in kemaksiatan stay. This is a form of isdjraj for him. Then he read the paragraph, and then, when they forget the warning that has been given to them, we shall betray all the doors for their enjoyment, so if they go with what has been given to them, we torment them with a sudden, then when they are silent despair (Al-An'am: 44).

Al-Iblas means dropping out hope for survivors at the disaster stricken. Ibn Abbas said, they despair of any good.

While Zajjaj said, Al-Mublis are very sorry to say, and there and sad.

In atsar mentioned that when the devil have any trick at that time still a part of the angel Gabriel and flee Mikail crying and asking God, 'What makes you both cry? They both said, Rabb Yes, we do not feel safe from the Mu-trick. Then God said, And so should you, you do not feel safe trick from me.

Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam themselves often say, "O Dzat the heart flip-turn, in our hearts kokohkan religious thy! There are asked, O Messenger of Allah, whether you about us? He said, 'Surely, the heart is in the fingers of two fingers Arrahman, turning him turn his own. (Diriwayatkan Tirmidzi hadith of Anas bin Malik)

In shahih hadith, Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, "Surely someone practice charity experts to the distance between heaven itself with live sehasta heaven. But he has didahului book (his conditions) and he regularly practices expert hell and he also entered. (Diriwayatkan Bukhari hadith of Abu Hurairah).

In Shahih Bukhari from Sahl bin Sa'ad As-Sa'idi Radhiyallahu Anhu that the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, "Surely someone regularly practice fire experts, including experts and he heaven. There are also people who regularly practice in the Garden of experts, including experts he hell. Indeed, all depending on the charity''

In the holy book of Allah, told his story Bal'am, ie, after the dicabutnya faith and science makrifat. Similarly, the story Barsesa, a pastor who died as disbelievers.

Dikisahkan that in Egypt there is someone who is active in the mosque for prayers and adzan. On the self-worship and there is a charisma light obedience. One day he ascended to the top of the tower to adzan as usual. Under the tower, there is a house belonging to the Nashrani dzimmi (the Islamic countries are protected). People to see the house and a girl child visible Nashrani people, the girls are very beautiful. People are obsessed by it and not so adzan, find it down, the girl said,
It's what and what you want?
You who I want answered.
I do not want menurutimu that is not true.
I will menikahimu.
You are a Muslim my father I would not wed with you.
I entered the Christian, he said.
If you do that, I would like.
Then he signed in order to marry Christian girls and live in the house with the family Nashrani. On the same day he ascended to the roof of the house and then fell and died. He was not happy with the religion and can not enjoy the girls. We seek refuge in Allah from him and the trick of su'ul-khatimah.

Salim Abdullah of narrate that Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam often swear by the words, "No, by the turn of Dzat turning hatil (Diriwayatkan Bukhari).

That is, God once quickly to reverse heart even faster than the wind gust in the reverse nature of the other. For example, accept and reject, hate and desire, as well as other attributes.

In the Al-Quran Allah said,
And know that God became a barrier between the
heart. (Al-Anfal: 24).

Mujahid said, That is, God be with someone between the hijab to understand he does not know what the consist-finger by finger. Surely, in that there is a warning for people who have heart. (Qaaf: 37).

That is, people who have understanding.
Thabari argued that the clause is the news from Allah Ta'ala that He is right to the heart of the servants of their own. That God also can be a hijab between them and the heart to someone does not know anything except with the will of Allah Azza wa Jalla.

She Radhiyallahu'anha said, he Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam often say, "O Dzat the heart flip-turn, teguhkanlah heart to obey You. 'I said,' O Messenger of Allah, pray thee once so often, if you worry?" He said, What membuatku O She felt safe, while the servants of the heart is between two fingers between the finger finger Arrahman He turn-balikkannya his own. If he wanted to reverse the heart of a servant He was able to do it '

If this is the Hidayah is something that clearly istiqamah then it depends on the will and his final fate is a mystery, while he will not invincible. So do not you feel proud of the faith, charity, prayer, fasting, charity and all the deeds that you if you do that, indeed it is God's creation and your gift of His be his to you. While you are with all the glory, the glory you have in fact something that is not your own. He can only merenggutnya of you, the heart of your return empty stomach cavity as good ass.

How many of the flower garden, lush flowers bermekaran, but this morning the flowers are dry and berguguran because diterpa hurricanes. Similarly, a slave, his heart was filled yesterday obedience to God, shining and prosperous. But on this morning it became dark and sick. That is the destiny of the Almighty and the Court.

O son of Adam, pen-pen recorder running, but you realize there is no negligent. O my son Adam, all leave and warble harp, to leave their houses and huts beautiful. Leave perpacuan in this country until you see what the fate of yourself!

Taken from Al-Kabair
READ MORE - Feel safe from the threat of Allah

Ijtihad and Taklid


Examination of the language means exert sincerity to solve the matter. The term means exert sincerity to find a legal syar'i.

People do some things diligence required, including:

1. Knowing proof-proof syar'i the required diligence in verses such as law and hadith - haditsnya

2. Knowing the things that are associated with keshahihan and kedhaifannya hadith, such as knowing sanad and periwayat the hadith, and others.

3. Knowing nasikh-mansukh and things have become ijma '(scholars agreement), so that he does not berhukum with what has been mansukh (deleted it) or menyelisihi ijma'.

4. Knowing-proof is the proof takhsis, taqyid or semisalnya, and can menyelaraskannya with the origin of which is the main problem.

5. Know the science of language, ushul Jurisprudence, proof-proof that public-relations have a special, absolute-muqayyad, mujmal-mubayyan, and so accurate that semisalnya set in law.

6. Have the ability beristimbat (decide) the laws of the proof-dalilnya.

Effort to continue to apply at any time and in existence, including the science or scientific discussion of the problem. Please note that a mujtahid should try kesungguhannya rally in the search for truth and for berhukum with. Someone who, if properly berijtihad get two reward; reward because he had berijtihad and reward top ijtihadnya the truth, because when he is a true ijtihadnya the truth and allows people mengamalkannya, and if he is wrong, then he got a reward and an error ijtihadnya is forgiven , because the word of the Prophet: When a judge set a legal way berijitihad and temyata correct, then the reward he got two, and when he was wrong, then he got a reward. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


If there is not a clear legal case for someone, mandatory for tawaquf (mendiamkannya) and he may want taklid because he does not want to be so. Allahazza wa jalla said, ask you to those who have i1mu, if you do not know. (An Nahl: 43)

Therefore, Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyah rahimahullah said, attitudes taklid position as eating carrion. Therefore, when someone is able to set the law of proof-proof that there is not lawful for him bertaklid.

Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah said in Nuniyah:

Science knows that the instructions with the proposition
Not the same between science and taklid

Taklid be done in two places

1. People who can not afford to set their own laws allowed for taklid. Basically, the word of God: you ask to people who have knowledge, if you do not know. (QS. An Nahl: 43)

Bertaklid precedence to people who berilmu and Wara '(to keep away from things that will menjurus to things forbidden. Ed.). When two people have found the same in keilmuannya, then selected the most well akhlaknya.

2. A mujtahid who find new things to be decided soon, he may not menelitinya, then at that time he could taklid.

Type-Type Taklid
Taklid that there are two kinds, namely general taklid clan taklid special.

A. General Taklid
Taklid is to hold general madzhab with all things in a certain religion, because ketidakmampuannya set their own laws.

In the problem of scholars disagree. Among them are some who think like that taklid mandatory, because it is a major difficulty for the mutaakhirin when they are required to berijtihad. Among them are some who think like that taklid forbidden, because it's the same with regular berhukum to someone other than the Prophet.

Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiya rahimahullah said, "Books require the addition of the Prophet obey every command and in larangannya menyelisihi ijma 'ulama. As if simply to allow, in this case the different scholars perndapat "

B. Special Taklid
Taklid special opinion is taking certain things in particular. This is allowed when a person is not able to establish the truth in a way berijtihad own, either because they are not capable at all, or he is able, under certain circumstances but the big difficulty.

Taken from Syarh Ushul Sittah, Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utsaimin

READ MORE - Ijtihad and Taklid

Still Waiting


Em C
So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating
Em C } chorus
Can’t find a good reason
Can’t find hope to believe in

2x Em C G D

Em G
Drop dead a bullet to my head
Em G
Your words are like a gun in hand
Em G
You can’t change the state of the nation
Em D
We just need some motivation
Em G
Since I have seen no conviction
Em G
Just lies and more contradiction
Em G
So tell me what would you say
Em D
I’d say its up, to me


Em C G D

Em G
Ignorance and Understanding
Em G
We’re the first ones to jump in line
Em G
Out of step for what we believe in
Em D
But whos left? To start the pleading
Em G
How far will we take this
Em G
It’s not hard to see through the thickness
Em G
So tell me what would you say
Em D
I’d say its up, to me


Em C G D
This can’t last forever
Em C G D
Time won’t make things better
Em G D Em
I feel so alone
Em G D Em
Can’t help myself
Em G D Em
And no one knows
Em G D
If this is worthless
Em C G D
Tell me: so

2x Em C G D

Em C
What have we done
We’re in a war that can’t be won
Em C
This can’t be real
I don’t know what to feel


READ MORE - Still Waiting

Fast stream reading in Java


To increase the performance of your Java application when reading from an InputStream, there are a few key areas to look into. If possible, don't make any reallocations of memory. Allocate the input buffer once. Let the Java VM do the bulk of the reading, i.e. read data in big chunks. Some coding examples show a loop that reads data a small amount at a time. This is sometimes inefficient. A much better technique is described below

If you know the maximum content length, the most optimal read would be a single line, like this:
len = buf, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE );

In this case we assume that the buffer has already been allocated with a size set to MAX_BUFFER_SIZE.

If the content is of varying size, we have to make a tradeoff between performance and memory usage. If you keep your buffer size just above the average content length, then the number of reallocations of the data buffer and the number of reads will be kept at a minimum. However if the average content length is too large to fit in memory, or if you only need access to sub sections at a time, it might be better to have the array size kept small and read from the stream.

READ MORE - Fast stream reading in Java

How to use your iPod to move your music


Switch the iPod to manual update and enable disk use

The first thing you need to do is make sure have configured your iPod to enable disk use. To do this:

  1. Open iTunes on your old computer.
  2. Connect your iPod to your old computer and wait for it to appear in iTunes.
  3. Select your iPod in the Source pane under the Devices section to display your iPod preferences in the main library window.
  4. Click the Summary tab in the main iTunes window.
  5. Click the Manually manage music button. Changing from automatic updating to manual puts a check mark by Enable disk use. A message says
    "Disabling automatic update requires manually unmounting the iPod before each disconnect."

  6. Click OK in the message window.
  7. Click Apply in the iPod preferences section of the iTunes window.

Is all the music together?

To make the move as easy as possible, be sure your music is all in one place.

  1. Open iTunes Preferences:
    Mac: From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
    Windows: From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click Advanced and then click General.
  3. Look to see if the checkbox for "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" is selected. If it is, skip ahead to Is there enough room on the iPod. If it is not, continue to step 4.
  4. Select the "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" checkbox.
  5. Click OK. Note: Clicking OK will cause iTunes to copy all of your music files to another location on your computer. You will need to manually remove the files from their previous locations if you are concerned about space. If your computer does not have enough hard-drive space this process will not work correctly. Please speak to your computer manufacturer or Microsoft for more information on how to obtain more space to perform this action.
  6. From the Advanced menu, choose Consolidate Library. A window appears reading: "Consolidating your library will copy all of your music into the iTunes music folder. This cannot be undone."
  7. Click Consolidate.

Is there enough room on the iPod?

iPod shares its hard disk space between the songs that iTunes puts on it and any files you've added when using its disk mode. To transfer music with your iPod, you need enough free space to hold a copy of all your music files in addition to any copies that may already have been placed by iTunes (this is because non-purchased songs placed on the iPod by iTunes cannot be copied off the iPod while in disk mode). To figure out how much space you have on your iPod:

  1. Open iTunes on your old computer.
  2. Click on Music in the Source pane. The size of your library appears at the bottom of the iTunes window:
  3. Connect your iPod to your old computer and wait for it to appear in iTunes.
  4. Click the iPod under the Devices section of the Source pane.
  5. The amount of free space on the iPod appears near the bottom of the iTunes window:
  6. If the amount of free space left on your iPod is larger than your library, skip to Copy iTunes folder to iPod.

Free up space on the iPod

If your library is larger than the amount of free space on your iPod, you'll need to free up some space on it. Here's how:

  1. Click your iPod in the Source pane.
  2. Click on the Music option listed under iPod in the Source pane. (If you do not see this option, click the gray arrow next to the iPod to reveal the iPod's contents)
  3. Click any song that appears in the main part of the iTunes window (to the right).
  4. From the Edit menu, choose Select All.
  5. Important: The next step will delete all music from your iPod. If you have been using automatic update you don't need to worry, because all your music is also on your computer. If you have not been using automatic update, and your iPod has music on it from another source (other than your iTunes library), following the next step will delete that music.
  6. Press Delete on the keyboard. If you see a message that says "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from the list?", click Yes.

Copy iTunes folder to iPod

To copy all your music files (including the library file that holds all your playlists and other settings) to your iPod:

  1. Quit iTunes.
  2. Locate your iPod:
    Mac OS X: On the desktop
    Windows: In My Computer
  3. Locate your iTunes folder:
    Mac OS X: /Users/username/Music
    Windows: \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\
  4. Drag the iTunes folder to the iPod. This can take a while if you have a lot of songs.

    From your old Mac to the iPod

    From your old Windows PC to the iPod
  5. When the copy completes open iTunes.
  6. Click on the iPod in the Source pane
  7. Click the Eject button in the lower right corner of the iTunes window.
  8. Disconnect the iPod from the computer when the "Do not disconnect" message no longer appears on the iPod screen.

Get iTunes ready on your new computer

To get iTunes ready to accept all your music on your new computer:

  1. Download and install the latest version of iTunes.
  2. Open iTunes on your new computer. If this is your first time to open iTunes on your new computer you will need to choose your options in the iTunes Setup Assistant.
  3. Connect the iPod to your new computer.

Backup any music that's already on your new computer

Do you already have some music showing up in your Library in iTunes on the new computer? If so follow these steps to make sure this music gets saved (You can see how to add it back into iTunes in the Adding music on new computer back in section below). If not you can skip down to the Copy music to new computer section.

  1. Open iTunes Preferences Mac OS X:
    From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
    Windows: On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click the Reset button next to iTunes Music folder location.
  4. Make sure the checkbox next to Copy files to Music folder when adding to library is checked.

  5. Click OK.
  6. From the Advanced menu, choose Consolidate Library. An alert message appears: "Consolidating your library will copy all of your music into the iTunes music folder. This cannot be undone."
  7. Click Consolidate.
  8. Quit iTunes.

Copy music to new computer

To copy all your music files (including the library file that holds all your playlists and other settings) to your new computer:

  1. Locate your Music folder (Mac OS X) or your My Music folder (Windows) on your new computer:
    Mac OS X: /Users/username/Music
    Windows: \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\
  2. Drag the iTunes folder in this location out to the desktop.

    From the Music folder to the Desktop on your new Mac

    From the My Music folder to the Desktop on your new PC

  3. Locate the iPod on the new computer:
    Mac OS X: On the desktop.
    Windows: In My Computer.
  4. Double-click on the iPod to open it.
  5. Drag the iTunes folder from the iPod to the Music folder (Mac OS X) or My Music Folder (Windows) on your new computer. This can take a while if you have a lot of songs.

    From the iPod to the Music folder on your new Mac

    From the iPod to the My Music folder on your new PC
  6. Open iTunes.

There you go. All your music, playlists, and other information like play counts and ratings have all been moved from your old computer to your new one.

Add existing music on new computer back in

If you already had some music on your new computer, and you want to incorporate it into the music you just moved from your old computer:

  1. From the File menu in iTunes, choose Add to Library (Mac OS X) or Add Folder to Library (Windows).
  2. Navigate to the iTunes folder on your Desktop.
  3. Click Choose (Mac OS X) or OK (Windows).

Note: Information like ratings and play count are not preserved for these songs.

Free up room on the iPod

To free up room on your iPod so iTunes can put all your music back on it:

  1. Quit iTunes.
  2. Drag the iTunes folder out of the iPod to the Trash (Mac OS X) or Recycle Bin (Windows).
    Mac OS X: From the File menu, choose Empty Trash.
    Windows: A Confirm Folder Delete window appears. Click Yes.

Switch the iPod back to automatic update

To set up your iPod to be updated with all your music from iTunes on your new computer:

  1. Open iTunes.
  2. Select your iPod in the Source pane and click the Music tab that is available on the right in the iPod Settings.
  3. Click the “Sync music” option, and the “All songs and playlists” option. An alert message appears:
    "Are you sure you want to enable automatic updating? All existing songs and playlist on the iPod "ipod name" will be replaced with songs and playlists from the iTunes music library."

    Optional: Uncheck the Enable disk use button in the Summary tab if you don't want to use the iPod as a disk. If you leave this option checked you need to eject your iPod from iTunes before you disconnect the iPod from your computer.

  4. Click Apply

READ MORE - How to use your iPod to move your music