Tahajjud prayer can be compared with Sholat Tarawih. Letters free, such as regular prayer reading.
Rakaat its compliance with the ability and kekhusyuan us, even that amount, the two could be four. Total Rakaat also adjusted, can be only two, can be four, eight can be, can score, it's up to.
And indeed, as expressed by another answerer, the intention is important. If the intention to juxtapose itself with his existing within ourselves, then the prayer is Tahajjud 2 rakaat so. Rather than force the rules that will worsen and not make khusyu, it is better to follow the intention themselves only. Moreover, this' only 'prayer circumcision, and only God, who assess whether we Tahajjud prayer and received correct or not.
To cover Sholat Tahajjud, usually done Sholat Witir, comparable with Sholat Witir after Tarawih.
But once again, all in my opinion this is not a standard rule, as many different opinions and there is no wrong.
READ MORE - Tahajjud prayer
Rakaat its compliance with the ability and kekhusyuan us, even that amount, the two could be four. Total Rakaat also adjusted, can be only two, can be four, eight can be, can score, it's up to.
And indeed, as expressed by another answerer, the intention is important. If the intention to juxtapose itself with his existing within ourselves, then the prayer is Tahajjud 2 rakaat so. Rather than force the rules that will worsen and not make khusyu, it is better to follow the intention themselves only. Moreover, this' only 'prayer circumcision, and only God, who assess whether we Tahajjud prayer and received correct or not.
To cover Sholat Tahajjud, usually done Sholat Witir, comparable with Sholat Witir after Tarawih.
But once again, all in my opinion this is not a standard rule, as many different opinions and there is no wrong.