Tahajjud prayer

Tahajjud prayer can be compared with Sholat Tarawih. Letters free, such as regular prayer reading.

Rakaat its compliance with the ability and kekhusyuan us, even that amount, the two could be four. Total Rakaat also adjusted, can be only two, can be four, eight can be, can score, it's up to.

And indeed, as expressed by another answerer, the intention is important. If the intention to juxtapose itself with his existing within ourselves, then the prayer is Tahajjud 2 rakaat so. Rather than force the rules that will worsen and not make khusyu, it is better to follow the intention themselves only. Moreover, this' only 'prayer circumcision, and only God, who assess whether we Tahajjud prayer and received correct or not.

To cover Sholat Tahajjud, usually done Sholat Witir, comparable with Sholat Witir after Tarawih.

But once again, all in my opinion this is not a standard rule, as many different opinions and there is no wrong.
READ MORE - Tahajjud prayer

Barack Obama


Name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

Born: Honolulu, 8 April 1961

Wife: Michelle (Married 1992)

Daughters: Malia, Sasha

Places to stay: Chicago, IL

- JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
- BA, Columbia University, 1983
- Attended, Occidental College
Political experience:
- Senator, United States Senate, 2005-present
- Keynote Speaker, 2004 Democratic National Convention
- Senator, Illinois State Senate, 1996-2004

Campaign site: BarackObama.com

Source http://www.tokohindonesia.com/aneka/tokohdunia/barack-obama/index.shtml
READ MORE - Barack Obama

Friendster MP3 Embed Problem


We just found out that newly embedded mp3 codes on your friendster profile won't work right now.

We suggest not to change/update your already embedded mp3 codes on your media box if they are still working, not until friendster will fix it.

This is a problem with friendster, not with our embed codes. I just hope friendster will have this fixed the soonest possible time. They have had too many problems these days.
We were also informed from many people that friendster also has a problem with CSS/Layout codes. They really need to fix their site asap as this is causing inconvenience to all of us.

For the meantime, feel free to stream and download free mp3's as much as you want, only here @ mp3-codes.com . ^_^

We'll let you all know if this has been fixed by friendster.

Please contact friendster about this by sending them an email to:

Article Source http://mp3-codes.com/blog/175
READ MORE - Friendster MP3 Embed Problem

Yasser Arafat


Name: Yasser Arafat

Full Name: Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa bin Hussaeini

Born: Cairo, August 24 1929

Palestinian President
Chief PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
Leader and founder of Al-Fatah

Awards: 1993 Nobel Peace

Article Source
READ MORE - Yasser Arafat

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi


Name: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Born: Quoting Head, Penang 26 November 1939

Religion: Islam

Position: Prime Minister of Malaysia (31 October 2003)

Wife: Datin Seri Endon binti Datuk Mahmud (married 4 September 1965)

Children: Two people

Education: University of Malaya

Deputy Prime Minister of Home Affairs minister trap Malaysia (1999-2003).
Minister of Foreign Affairs (1991-1999)
Defense Minister (1986-1987)
Deputy Chairman of the UMNO (1984)
Ministry of Education (1984-1986)
Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (1974-1978)
Assistant Secretary of State Assembly (1969)

Article Source
READ MORE - Abdullah Ahmad Badawi



Name: Ir. Soekarno

Nickname: Bung Karno

Small Name: Kusno

Born: Blitar, East Java, on June 6 1901

Died: Jakarta, 21 June 1970

Tomb: Blitar, East Java

Degree (Hero): Proklamator

Position: First President of the Republic of Indonesia (1945-1966)

Wife and child: Three wives eight children

Fatmawati wife, children: Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and Guruh

Hartini wife, children: Taufan and Bayu

Wife Ratna Sari Dewi, female descendants of the original Japanese named Naoko Nemoto, a child: Kartika.

Father: Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo

Mother: Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai

HIS in Surabaya (boarding house in the Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, veteran politician of the Syarikat Islam)
HBS (Hoogere Burger School) graduated 1920
THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Tekhnik High school that is now ITB) in Bandung, 25 graduated in May 1926

Teachings: Marhaenisme

Political activity:
Establish PNI (Indonesian National Party) on 4 July 1927
Sukamiskin imprisoned in Bandung on 29 December 1929
Joining lead Partindo (1931)
Removed to Ende, Flores year 1933 and Four years later moved to Bengkulu.
Pancasila formulate 1 June 1945
Together Bung Hatta RI proclaim independence on 17 August 1945

Article Source http://www.tokohindonesia.com/ensiklopedi/s/soekarno/
READ MORE - Soekarno