Registration to Feed


If you want more quickly popular blogs I recommend to join the Feedburner, its services are free. For those who want to register but did not know how, please follow the following steps:

  1. Please visit

  2. Click on any posts on the Register the top of the page

  3. Fill in the form of all existing

    • Username -> content with the desired username. example: japra
    • password -> contents with a password of your choice. example: japratea
    • Password (again) -> fill in the password again in writing before
    • Email address -> with the contents of the email addresses have sobat
    • Secret Question -> content with the security question that the answer will only get a comrade.Example: If the name pertamamu boyfriend?
    • Secret Answer -> content with the appropriate answers to the questions above. Example: juleha
    • Click the button Sign in

  4. If successful, the speech appears welcome (welcome) from Feedburner

  5. Fill in the box under the heading Burn a feed right this instant address with your blog. Example:

  6. Marked on the radio buuton available, it's up to select which want, and click the Next button

  7. Change the Title Feed Feed Address if the want to change, I have lived click Active Feed

  8. There are greeting Congrats, just click the Next button directly

  9. Check the box next to any posts Clickthroughs and I want more! FeedBurner stats PRO have also tracks (because it is the service that has been free PRO because already in the acquisition by google)

  10. Click the Next button

  11. Click the tab Optimize

  12. Please setting you want, but the most important is that you must mengaftifkan features SmartFeed,because this feature works so that the function of the feed we klop or compatible with a variety of feed reader

  13. SmartFeed please click the button and then click Active

  14. Click the Publicize tab, please select the features you want, but that is often in use featuresfeedCount try click FeedCount

  15. Select the style of feedcount form, the normal or the animation, marked on the radio button beside

  16. Click the Active

  17. Copy the HTML code provided in the text area, paste in the notepad for later in the tide in your blog

  18. Click Chicklet chooser to select various banners such as the chicklet or ask friends in Setyo

  19. Marked on the radio button that is located on the side of the chicklet each, and then copy the HTML code that is provided in the text area, and then paste in the notepad. note: every comrade cue button on the radio each chicklet, then automatically the HTML code that is part bawahpun will change, so conclusion marked the radio button then copy the HTML code is marked more then copy the code again

  20. Click Pingshot, marked on the box next to the Ping-O-matic and NewsGator, click the dropdown menu, and select a buddy want, click the Add button, click the menu again in dropdownnya if you want to add more, click Add again

  21. Click the Active

  22. Click the Headline Animator for the animated banner

  23. Click the dropdown menu under Theme, select a suit (the most interested in is the classic type)

  24. Click the Active

  25. Click the dropdown menu next to any posts Add to select Blogger blog

  26. Click the Next button

  27. When the new window appears, click the Add button to Blogger

  28. please Sign in at the first blogger

  29. Select the blog you want to install a banner in its animation, and then click the Add Widget then automatically animated banner will be added. Note: This only applies to using a new template

  30. Please sign out of the site

  31. Done

READ MORE - Registration to Feed

How to Use Custom Windows Visual Styles


Customizing the appearance of your Windows installation can be frustrating, because both Windows XP and Vista are limited to the Microsoft's default themes out of the box. However, with a bit of tweaking under the hood, your Windows setup can try on a wider range of looks than come pre-installed. Let's take a look at how to patch your Windows installation to allow customized styles, and a few places to find new and interesting styles online.

Vocabulary and Methods

When talking about the physical appearance of Windows there are two terms that are distinct but often used incorrectly in place of each other. Visual styles, which have the .msstyles file extension, are the files which supply all the information about how the interfaces within Windows should look. The toolbar skin, start button skin, borders, buttons, etc. are all stored in the visual style. Themes contain a visual style along with additional settings such as icons, wallpaper, etc. Later, when browsing for goodies, keep in mind that a theme pack will have further customization than a visual style pack.

Throughout the tutorial you'll need to be able to access the menu within Windows where you can change your themes and visual styles. The following screenshots are from Windows XP but the essential menus are nearly identical in function in Vista, too. For reference, here is how to access both:

XP: Right-click Desktop -> Properties -> Themes Tab (or Appearance Tab for Styles)

Vista: Right-click Desktop - > Personalize -> Themes

First, Back Up Your Current Theme For Safe Keeping And Create A Restore Point

Although you'll most likely find a new style that you really enjoy, on the off chance that you don't, make a backup of your current theme for you to restore later if necessary. Backing up only takes a moment and will allow you put things back exactly as they were before you started customizing, right down to the wallpaper. From within the Themes tab click Save As and name your theme whatever you'd like. Save it in a safe place.

Although the probability of something going catastrophically wrong is slim, it wouldn't hurt to create a system restore point to undo the carnage if need be. Press WINKEY-R to bring up the run dialogue box and type in the following: C:\Windows\System32\restore\rstrui.exe to launch System Restore. Give the restore point an easy to remember name like "Pre-Style Patch", Windows will append the name with the current date.

Second, Patch Your Windows Install

Patching your system for themes allows you to use non-Microsoft approved visual styles. At the very root you're simply replacing the Uxtheme.dll with a modified version that doesn't verify if the style has been signed by Microsoft. It used to be that patching your Windows installation was a hassle, a small one, but a hassle nonetheless. Now both Windows XP and Vista have patching programs available that make it no more hassle than clicking a button and rebooting. There are various programs that can do what the free patches do with some additional functionality thrown in, but they are hardly worth the $20 and up fees they command.

For Windows XP, download the Uxtheme Multi-Patcher. Run the file, click through the prompts and reboot.

For Windows Vista, download VistaGlazz. You must download the VistaGlazz Beta 1.1 if you have installed Vista SP1, version 1.0 will screw up Vista SP1. Run the file, click through the prompts and reboot.

Both patching programs will allow you to reverse the process should anything go wrong by simply running the program again. (However, I've been patching Windows installs for years without a hitch.)

Finally, Download and Install Custom, Third Party Styles

The best way to verify if your patch job has been successful is to browse some of the great repositories of visual styles and select a few to try out. Below are some samples of the most popular styles at Before you begin downloading through, a quick overview of where the files go is in order.

If a style pack is zipped up properly then installing it is as simple as unzipping the files into the C:\Windows\Resources\Themes directory. Check when you open the zip file if the files have nested directories. If you install a visual style or theme and something is amiss, check the following list to ensure the files ended up in the right place:

  • .Theme files must be in the /Themes/ folder, not within any subfolders.
  • .MSStyles files must be in their own sub-folders. If the style name is NewStyle.msstyles, then sub folder in /Themes/ must be /Themes/NewStyle/
  • If your style pack came with a shellstyle.dll, that also goes within it's own subfolder, i.e. /Themes/NewStyle/shell/
  • If you have any problem with loading a style or theme, go back and double check for spelling and capitalization. The names are case sensitive. If a file has a combination of upper and lower case letters, the folder name you place it in must be spelled exactly the same.

For more visual styles, check out the following resources:

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