Examination of the language means exert sincerity to solve the matter. The term means exert sincerity to find a legal syar'i.
People do some things diligence required, including:
1. Knowing proof-proof syar'i the required diligence in verses such as law and hadith - haditsnya
2. Knowing the things that are associated with keshahihan and kedhaifannya hadith, such as knowing sanad and periwayat the hadith, and others.
3. Knowing nasikh-mansukh and things have become ijma '(scholars agreement), so that he does not berhukum with what has been mansukh (deleted it) or menyelisihi ijma'.
4. Knowing-proof is the proof takhsis, taqyid or semisalnya, and can menyelaraskannya with the origin of which is the main problem.
5. Know the science of language, ushul Jurisprudence, proof-proof that public-relations have a special, absolute-muqayyad, mujmal-mubayyan, and so accurate that semisalnya set in law.
6. Have the ability beristimbat (decide) the laws of the proof-dalilnya.
Effort to continue to apply at any time and in existence, including the science or scientific discussion of the problem. Please note that a mujtahid should try kesungguhannya rally in the search for truth and for berhukum with. Someone who, if properly berijtihad get two reward; reward because he had berijtihad and reward top ijtihadnya the truth, because when he is a true ijtihadnya the truth and allows people mengamalkannya, and if he is wrong, then he got a reward and an error ijtihadnya is forgiven , because the word of the Prophet: When a judge set a legal way berijitihad and temyata correct, then the reward he got two, and when he was wrong, then he got a reward. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
If there is not a clear legal case for someone, mandatory for tawaquf (mendiamkannya) and he may want taklid because he does not want to be so. Allahazza wa jalla said, ask you to those who have i1mu, if you do not know. (An Nahl: 43)
Therefore, Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyah rahimahullah said, attitudes taklid position as eating carrion. Therefore, when someone is able to set the law of proof-proof that there is not lawful for him bertaklid.
Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah said in Nuniyah:
Science knows that the instructions with the proposition
Not the same between science and taklid
Taklid be done in two places
1. People who can not afford to set their own laws allowed for taklid. Basically, the word of God: you ask to people who have knowledge, if you do not know. (QS. An Nahl: 43)
Bertaklid precedence to people who berilmu and Wara '(to keep away from things that will menjurus to things forbidden. Ed.). When two people have found the same in keilmuannya, then selected the most well akhlaknya.
2. A mujtahid who find new things to be decided soon, he may not menelitinya, then at that time he could taklid.
Type-Type Taklid
Taklid that there are two kinds, namely general taklid clan taklid special.
A. General Taklid
Taklid is to hold general madzhab with all things in a certain religion, because ketidakmampuannya set their own laws.
In the problem of scholars disagree. Among them are some who think like that taklid mandatory, because it is a major difficulty for the mutaakhirin when they are required to berijtihad. Among them are some who think like that taklid forbidden, because it's the same with regular berhukum to someone other than the Prophet.
Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiya rahimahullah said, "Books require the addition of the Prophet obey every command and in larangannya menyelisihi ijma 'ulama. As if simply to allow, in this case the different scholars perndapat "
B. Special Taklid
Taklid special opinion is taking certain things in particular. This is allowed when a person is not able to establish the truth in a way berijtihad own, either because they are not capable at all, or he is able, under certain circumstances but the big difficulty.
Taken from Syarh Ushul Sittah, Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utsaimin
Source http://www.perpustakaan-islam.com/
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